Introducing Wayne Huang: Automation Research & Development Engineer

Based at Facteon Headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand, Wayne is responsible for investigating and developing both emerging and established machine automation technologies. In alignment with Facteon’s vision, Wayne seeks to solve engineering problems and add new functionality to our offerings.


What do you enjoy most about your role?

I’ve always had an interest in machine vision systems. We focus on using these systems to solve problems, detect the position of robots and failure. We have a really clear sense of direction here at Facteon. There’s a strong focus on providing continuously improved systems and I think that comes from a real passion for what we do. I’ve found it motivating to be part of a team that’s specifically staffed. With a technology such as vision systems, it’s key to be working with a team that can understand your requirements and cater to these.


What do you get up to when you’re not automating factories for the internet age?

Prior to this, I worked in an automation role in Hamilton. I love driving so I’ll take any excuse to head back to Hamilton, even just for the weekend so I can meet up with my friends. I love cooking as well so I usually throw together a steak and vege dinner after work.


What travel destination would you recommend?

I visit Taupo every summer with my partner. We stay right by the lake and it's definitely worth the extra spend. Going for runs around the lake is also good – a nice change from the treadmill.  


What gets you out of bed every morning?

I really enjoy the software focus of my role. I actually realised an interest in software when I was around 28 or 29 years old. I originally studied mechanical design back in Taiwan. In a previous role, I was asked to help out with a vision systems software project, so I learned on the job. I really understand the systems and processes from the ground up. Similar to what I’ve seen from the team here more generally. You feel the real sense of a passion for manufacturing. What we’re working on now is rather evolutionary, as it’s what we know we would’ve benefited from with our own manufacturing roots. 


What’s your favourite sport?

I’m a huge basketball fan. I don’t really support a particular team but I am a fan of LeBron James. He’s such a talent so I really just support whatever team he’s playing for. I’m still working on my own shooting so I just play for fun with friends at the moment. I’m looking to join a social team as well actually.


What technology has impacted your life the most?

Since moving to Auckland from Hamilton, I’ve had a new-found reliance on my GPS. Driving in the city has been a big adjustment. My trip home from the office isn’t quite as quick as it was in Hamilton, but I’m definitely enjoying the hustle and bustle of both Auckland city and Facteon Headquarters.   

Wayne Huang

Wayne Huang

Automation Research & Development Engineer

Based at Facteon Headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand, Wayne is responsible for investigating and developing both emerging and established machine automation technologies. In alignment with Facteon’s vision, Wayne seeks to solve engineering problems and add new functionality to our offerings.